Anti-hepatitis E Serum, Human WHO Reference Reagent |
95/584 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Interferon alpha-2c (Human, rDNA derived) WHO International Standard |
95/580 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Interferon Alpha n3 (Human, leukocyte derived) WHO International Standard |
95/574 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Interferon alpha-1/8 (Human, rDNA derived) WHO International Standard |
95/572 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Interferon Alpha n1 (Human lymphoblastoid cell derived) WHO International Standard |
95/568 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Interferon alpha-2b (Human, rDNA derived) WHO International Standard |
95/566 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Interleukin-15 (Human, rDNA derived) WHO Reference Reagent |
95/554 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Interleukin-12 (Human, rDNA derived) WHO Reference Reagent |
95/544 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 3 (Sabin) Synthetic DNA 0.9% 472-C WHO International Standard |
95/542 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Folate, Whole Blood Haemolysate WHO International Standard |
95/528 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Anti-HBc (Anti-hepatitis B core antigen) WHO International Standard |
95/522 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 3 (Sabin). Synthetic DNA 100% 472-C WHO International Standard |
94/790 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Interferon alpha Concensus Sequence (Human rDNA derived) WHO International Standard |
94/786 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Interferon alpha (Human, leukocyte derived)WHO International Standard |
94/784 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Interferon Omega (Human, rDNA derived) WHO International Standard |
94/754 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) Antigen in Plasma WHO International Standard |
94/730 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Platelet-derived Growth Factor-BB (Human, rDNA derived) WHO International Standard |
94/728 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (Human, rDNA derived) WHO Reference Reagent |
94/684 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Human recombinant WHO Reference Reagent |
94/674 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |
Interleukin-13 (Human, rDNA derived) WHO Reference Reagent |
94/622 |
4-6周 |
¥0.00 |